Introduction to Clinical Audiology
CASD 2481
Thursdays 5:05-8:45pm
View/download full syllabus PDF here.
Your Professor
Jade Igbokwe, Au.D., CCC-A, CH-TM
[email protected]
Office Hours
Thursdays 4-5pm/8:45-9:15pm Or by appt
On BB Collaborate
SPEC 1113, 1178, 1179, 2231
Course Description
This course will explore the profession of Audiology with a focus on diagnostic testing and aural rehabilitation options for patients. We will discuss hearing disorders and pathologies; how to measure and assess hearing using pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and objective measures of hearing; and you will learn how to interpret an audiogram.
Course Objectives
- To apply knowledge gained from lectures and assignments to gain a grasp on the field of Audiology
- To be able to interpret audiograms for type and degree of hearing loss
- To gain an understanding of the various objective and subjective test measures used to assess hearing.
- To understand the rehabilitative options for patients with hearing loss
Materials Needed
The course will be taught synchronously and asynchronously using BlackBoard Collaborate. You will need a good Wi-Fi connection and a device that will support the interactive learning environment. **Note: cameras are not mandatory during class, but it would be nice to see your faces 🙂
Readings will be available to you through the OER site – link will be provided on BlackBoard.
We will also use [] with your cellphone to do anonymous, non-graded assessments in class. These will help you gage what questions you may have.
Attendance: 10%
Research Project: 20%
Reaction Paper: 10%
Weekly Quizzes: 20%
2 Exams: 40%
Dates to Remember
No class: September 16th, November 25th Midterm: October 21st
Final: December 16th (in-person)
Sound of Metal paper: September 30th Research Project: October 14th