Introduction to Clinical Audiology
CASD 2481
Thursdays 5:05-8:45pm
View/download full syllabus PDF here.

Your Professor

Jade Igbokwe, Au.D., CCC-A, CH-TM
[email protected]

Office Hours

Thursdays 4-5pm/8:45-9:15pm Or by appt
On BB Collaborate


SPEC 1113, 1178, 1179, 2231

Course Description

This course will explore the profession of Audiology with a focus on diagnostic testing and aural rehabilitation options for patients. We will discuss hearing disorders and pathologies; how to measure and assess hearing using pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and objective measures of hearing; and you will learn how to interpret an audiogram.

Course Objectives

  1. To apply knowledge gained from lectures and assignments to gain a grasp on the field of Audiology
  2. To be able to interpret audiograms for type and degree of hearing loss
  3. To gain an understanding of the various objective and subjective test measures used to assess hearing.
  4. To understand the rehabilitative options for patients with hearing loss

Materials Needed

The course will be taught synchronously and asynchronously using BlackBoard Collaborate. You will need a good Wi-Fi connection and a device that will support the interactive learning environment. **Note: cameras are not mandatory during class, but it would be nice to see your faces 🙂

Readings will be available to you through the OER site – link will be provided on BlackBoard.

We will also use [] with your cellphone to do anonymous, non-graded assessments in class. These will help you gage what questions you may have.


Attendance: 10%
Research Project: 20%
Reaction Paper: 10%
Weekly Quizzes: 20%
2 Exams: 40%

Dates to Remember

No class: September 16th, November 25th Midterm: October 21st
Final: December 16th (in-person)
Sound of Metal paper: September 30th Research Project: October 14th